So we are settling into our new home, packing up, traveling and unpacking to set up again.  At Riviere-du-Loup we had a great campsite out on a point.  The weather was great and we went for an awesome bike ride.  The point is where the ferry leaves for the other side of the St. Lawrence.  From our campsite, we went down to the river and made our way along the shore towards the ferry.  It was filled with incredible cottages, houses and scenery.  At the ferry terminal, we had a little snack, beach-combed, played on the play structure and then made our way back to the campsite.

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    I have realized that I tend to like Chaos.  What could be more chaotic than selling all of your stuff and becoming a nomad for a while.  Heck, it might even be fun, I'll let you know in about a year.


    September 2009



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