The road to ACADIA was a lot of fun.  I found a route that even google maps didn't have on its maps.  That should have been a sign!!!  It did, however cut many tens of KM off of our trip.  It was hilly, narrow, bumpy and had no shoulder.  It made driving the big rig a little tough, but it was one of the prettiest drives I have ever been on.  I have a very visual memory and can recall things of importance in pictures in my mind.  I will have a memory of this drive forever etched into the cells of my brain.

Driving Chuck the truck takes quite a lot of concentration, and I usually don't spend much time looking at the scenery (trying to avoid going into the ditch).  However, as we came over one rise, I couldn't hep but let my eyes wander and saw a perfect fall sight.  The opposite hill was aflame with reds, yellows and oranges, dancing in harmony, spread as far as you could see in a splendid mosaic of fall colour.  Mesmerized, I let the rig drift a little over to the other side of the road, catching myself before we drove into the opposite ditch, I was relieved yet overwhelmed.  And I will have that sight of colour to recall at will for a very long time.

Once in Caraquet, we started to count Acadian flags, and lost count somewhere near 170 in the span of just a few minutes.  The Acadians are proud and had a wonderful celebration this year -- the Acadian World Congress.  

Our campsite was right on the water.  There were only 2 or 3 other campers there.  It was a great place for the boys to explore.  Campsites are getting more and more difficult to find as they close up for the winter.  Christine and I both underestimated the coolness of the weather.  I think that we both had it in mind that we were still leaving during the summer months, not fall -- oops. 

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    I have realized that I tend to like Chaos.  What could be more chaotic than selling all of your stuff and becoming a nomad for a while.  Heck, it might even be fun, I'll let you know in about a year.


    September 2009



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